Crate staticdir [] [src]

Serving contents of static directory.

 extern crate staticdir;
 extern crate iron;

 use iron::prelude::*;
 use staticdir::{ StaticDir, AsJson };

 fn main() {
     Iron::new(StaticDir::new(".", AsJson)).http("localhost:3000").unwrap();

This will provide JSON similar to this:

     "file_type": "File", // "File", "Dir" or "Symlink"
     "file_name": ".gitignore",
     "size": 7,
     "creation_time": null, // may be null on some Unix systems
     "last_modification_time": 1451939290,
     "last_access_time": 1451939309
     "file_type": "File",
     "file_name": "Cargo.toml",
     "size": 196,
     "creation_time": null,
     "last_modification_time": 1451939547,
     "last_access_time": 1451939547
     "file_type": "Dir",
     "file_name": "src",
     "size": 4096,
     "creation_time": null,
     "last_modification_time": 1451939462,
     "last_access_time": 1451939462

Because for different tasks different implementations of response may be required, this crate is designed to provide flexible behavior. By default, only JSON response is supported, but different it can be customized with ResponseStrategy trait. Here is how easily we can provide directory contents as HTML.

 extern crate staticdir;
 extern crate iron;

 use iron::prelude::*;
 use iron::status::Status;
 use staticdir::{ StaticDir, ResponseStrategy };
 use std::fs::ReadDir;
 use iron::mime::Mime;

 struct AsHtml;

 fn build_html(dir: ReadDir) -> String {
     let mut html = String::new();
     for entry in dir {
         let entry = entry.unwrap();
         html = format!("{}<li>{}</li>", html, entry.file_name().into_string().unwrap());
     format!("<ul>{}</ul>", html)

 impl ResponseStrategy for AsHtml {
     fn make_response(&self, dir: ReadDir) -> IronResult<Response> {
         let html = build_html(dir);
         let content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8".parse::<Mime>().unwrap();
         Ok(Response::with((Status::Ok, html, content_type)))

 fn main() {
     Iron::new(StaticDir::new(".", AsHtml)).http("localhost:3000").unwrap();

StaticDir implements Handler and AfterMiddleware so can be combined with other plugins of iron framework like staticfile or mount:

 extern crate staticdir;
 extern crate iron;
 extern crate mount;
 extern crate staticfile;

 use iron::prelude::*;
 use mount::Mount;
 use staticdir::{ StaticDir, AsJson };
 use staticfile::Static;

 fn main() {
     let root = "tests/mount";
     let mut handle_statics = Chain::new(Static::new(root));
     handle_statics.link_after(StaticDir::new(root, AsJson));

     let mut mount = Mount::new();
     mount.mount("/static/", handle_statics);
     let mut server = Iron::new(mount).http("localhost:3000").unwrap();



This module imports errors generated by StaticDir and which are provided as response to following Iron middlewares.



Provides list of directory contents in JSON format like


An implementation of Handler which serves list of directory contents.



This trait is used by StaticDir to make a response from the collection of directory entries.